TurnaSure DTIs make inspection quick and easy
During installation the bolting crew visually examines completed work and spot-check their ongoing work for any bolts that may not have been fully tightened. Thereafter, Independent 3rd Party or Final Inspection is fast, safe, and meaningful. Inspectors typically inspect 10% of the bolts using a feeler-gage --- verifying that the gaps in the DTIs have been reduced sufficiently. Thereafter, inspectors visually survey entire connections looking for any bolts which may have been missed during tightening, or perhaps could not be tightened because the chosen tightening tool was obstructed from being used. (e.g. member depth too shallow to allow tool between the flanges, stiffeners in the way, etc.ViewTite® Self-Indicators
After tightening, visually inspect bolting assemblies for full tensioning as evidenced by emission of the polymer which coincides with closure of the gaps.For full ViewTite® inspection instructions (including before and after snugging), click here.
Contact TurnaSure today for more information, availability and quotes.